File Utilities Realease-Notes Author: Manfred Duchrow Copyright (c) 2000-2020, by Manfred Duchrow. All rights reserved. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 6.3.0 (17/04/2020) / 386 Unit Tests, 82.7% Coverage * FileUtil > Added - public static final FileUtil FU = new FileUtil(); * Added Automatic-Module-Name to manifest file * Upgrade to Gradle 6.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 6.1.1 (27/12/2018) / 386 Unit Tests, 82.7% Coverage * FileLocator > Bugfix - Accessing files in archives via FileLocator causes NPE with Java 9,10,11 * Updated dependencies * Removed deprecated classes > org.pfsw.file.LineProcessor ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 6.1.0 (09/11/2017) / 385 Unit Tests * FileLocator > Added - public static FileLocator createExtractedFile(FileLocator parent, File extractedFile) - protected void closeZipFile() > Changed - To call closeZipFile() ~ public void release() ~ protected FileLocator initFromPath(String[] parts, boolean startsFromRoot) - public void release() Call also release() on parentLocator of one exists * FileUtil > Added - public boolean isExistingFolder(String path) - public boolean isExistingFolder(File folder) - public Collection findZippedFiles(final File zipFile, final IZipEntryFilter filter) throws IOException * TableOfContents > Added - public List findSubDirsOf(String baseDir) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 6.0.0 (12/02/2017) / 379 Unit Tests * Migrated > Maven -> Gradle > SVN -> Git * Package renaming '' -> 'org.pfsw' * Removed deprecated class PropertyFileLoader * Refactored > ArchiveTOC to hold internally List rather than FileInfo[] > PropertiesFileContent to use proper inner type * FileLocator > Improved handling of temporary files > implements IReleasable * New interface IZipEntryFilter * FileUtil > Added - public boolean closeEntry(ZipInputStream zipInStream) - public boolean closeEntry(ZipOutputStream zipOutStream) - public void extractZipArchive(final File zipFile, final File destDir) - public void extractZipArchive(final File zipFile, final File destDir, final IZipEntryFilter filter) - public void extractZipArchive(final ZipInputStream zipInStream, final File destDir, final IZipEntryFilter filter) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 5.2.0 (11/06/2016) / 382 Unit Tests * Refactorings without functionality changes * Dependencies upgrade ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 5.1.0 (13/09/2015) / 382 Unit Tests * New classes - NamedCloseable - NamedInputStream - NamedOutputStream - NamedReader - NamedWriter * FileUtil > Added - public NamedInputStream openFileForRead(final String filename) - public boolean ensureEmptyFolder(File folder) - Changed public long copyAll(final File sourceFolder, final File targetFolder) to use "*" rather than "*." * Bugfix for "Copying all files produces swallowed exception if source path contain /./" > RecursiveFileCopyProcessor - Changed protected File construcTargetFile(File file) to prepare targetFile with standardized folder names only. * New classes > PropertiesFileReader * Deprecated classes > PropertyFileReader * Bugfix for "PropertiesFileWriter is not writing the whole content of a PropertiesFileContent object" > Fixed PropertiesFileWriter - public void writeTo(Writer writer, PropertiesFileContent properties) * PropertiesFileContent > Added synchronized to public Object setProperty(String name, String value) to be compatible to superclass ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 5.0.0 (23/12/2014) / 357 Unit Tests * Upgraded to Java 6 * Creating logger now via pluggable LoggerFactory * FileUtil > Added - public FileUtil(ClassLoader classLoader) - public InputStream openFile(final String filename) - public Properties loadPropertiesFrom(final String filename) - public IConfigSettings loadNamedValuesFrom(final String filename) - public long copyAll(final File sourceFolder, final File targetFolder) - public void createFile(File file, byte... content) - public void createFile(InputStream inStream, File file) - public void createFile(InputStream inStream, File file, int bufferSize, Long limit) - public void copyStream(InputStream inStream, OutputStream outStream, int bufSize, Long limit) > Changed - DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE from protected to public and from 1024 to 4096 > Removed - public boolean close(Reader reader) - public boolean close(Writer writer) - public boolean close(InputStream stream) - public boolean close(OutputStream stream) * New class - TempFilesManager ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.4.0 (2014-01-12) / 335 Unit Tests * FileUtil > Added - public String readTextFrom(InputStream inStream, Charset charset) - public String readTextFrom(FileLocator fileLocator, Charset charset) - public String readTextFrom(String filename, Charset charset) - public String readTextFrom(File file, Charset charset) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom(String filename, Charset charset) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom(File file, Charset charset) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom(InputStream inStream, Charset charset) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom(InputStream inStream, Charset charset, StringFilter filter) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom(String filename, Charset charset, StringFilter filter) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom(File file, Charset charset, StringFilter filter) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom(FileLocator fileLocator, Charset charset, StringFilter filter) - public void processTextLines(InputStream inStream, Charset charset, LineProcessor processor) - public long removeDirectory(File dir) - public long cleanDirectory(String dir, boolean filesOnly) - public long cleanDirectory(File dir) * New classes & interfaces > IFileProcessor > FileDeleteProcessor > FileCopyProcessor > RecursiveFileCopyProcessor * AFileProcessor > Changed to implement IFileProcessor rather than IObjectProcessor > Changed public boolean processObject(Object object) to public boolean processObject(File file) * FileWalker > Added - public long walkThroughDirectoriesSubDirsFirst(String startDir, FilenameFilter filter) * DefaultFilenamePattern > Changed to explicitly allow null pattern - public DefaultFilenameFilter(String pattern, boolean ignoreCase) - public boolean accept(File dir, String name) > Added - ALL - NONE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.3.0 (2012-09-01) * FileInfo > Added ~ public String toString() ~ public URL asURL() * ArchiveTOC > Changed to support generic types > Added - public TableOfContents asTableOfContents() * FileUtil > Added - public String readTextFrom(String filename, CheckedCharsetName charsetName) - public String readTextFrom(File file, CheckedCharsetName charsetName) - public String readTextFrom(FileLocator fileLocator, CheckedCharsetName charsetName) - public String readTextFrom(InputStream inStream, CheckedCharsetName charsetName) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom(String filename, CheckedCharsetName charsetName) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom(File file, CheckedCharsetName charsetName) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom(FileLocator fileLocator, CheckedCharsetName charsetName) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom(InputStream inStream, CheckedCharsetName charsetName) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom(String filename, CheckedCharsetName charsetName, StringFilter filter) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom(File file, CheckedCharsetName charsetName, StringFilter filter) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom(FileLocator fileLocator, CheckedCharsetName charsetName, StringFilter filter) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom(InputStream inStream, CheckedCharsetName charsetName, StringFilter filter) - public void processTextLines(InputStream inStream, CheckedCharsetName charsetName, LineProcessor processor) - public void processTextLines(String filename, CheckedCharsetName charsetName, LineProcessor processor) - public String urlDecode(String str, CheckedCharsetName charsetName) - public String urlEncode(String str, CheckedCharsetName charsetName) - public boolean close(Closeable closeable) * Classpath > Added - public static Classpath create(String... classpathElements) > Changed protected void appendElement(String elementName) to automatically append ".jar" to a classpath element that ends with a "*". That is necessary to be compliant with Java 6 classpath definitions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.2 (January 7, 2009) * FileLocator > Added ~ public String toString() ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.1 (April 27, 2008) * FileInfo > Added - public File asFile() * FileUtil > Changed calculateClasspath() to try standard classpath if calculation of Eclipse classpath returns null. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.0 (June 7, 2007) * FileUtil > Added - DEFAULT_URL_STR_ENCODING - public String urlDecode( String str ) - public String urlEncode( String str ) > Changed - public String convertFromURLSyntax( String filename ) to do a URL decoding on the given filename > Changed - public String convertToURLSyntax( String filename ) to correctly convert the parts of the given filename separately and to use forward slashes only ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.9 (March 9, 2007) * ClasspathElement > Added - public FileInfo getFileInfo( String filename ) * FileWalker > Bugfix in public long walkThrough( String searchPattern ) Set dir to "." if it is null from the given searchPattern ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.8.2 (September 10, 2006) * BUGFIX: ClasspathElement used prefix "file://" in createURL(String). If that result was usd to create a URL and to open a stream on that URL then exceptions like the following occurred: S at at at at at at at at at at > ClasspathElement - Changed createURL() used prefix from "file://" to "file:/" - Changed createURL() to remove "." and ".." from the created filename ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.8.1 (September 1, 2006) * BUGFIX: After creating a ClasspathElement on a JAR file, the underlying JAR file stayed open but should be closed afterwards > ClasspathElement - Added ~ public boolean isOpen() - Changed close() to not check for validity() ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.8 (July 28, 2006) * FileLocator > Added - public FileLocator getParent() * FileUtil > Changed methods that do now lazy initialization of a new inst-var - calculateClasspath() - getClasspath() - createSystemClasspath() ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.7 (June 9, 2006) * ClasspathElement > Changed to support caching of an opened zip file * FileFinder > Added - public static File[] findDirectories( String startDir, String pattern, boolean recursive, char digitWildcard ) - public static File[] findDirectories( String startDir, String pattern, boolean recursive ) - public static File[] findDirectories( String startDir, String pattern ) * New classes > AFileProcessor * FileWalker > Bugfix: The walkThrough() methods didn't stop processing immediately after getting false from a method call to the FileHandler > Added - public FileWalker( AFileProcessor processor ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.6 (March 31, 2006) * PropertyFileLoader > Added - public static PropertiesFileContent loadFullPropertiesFile( Reader reader ) * FileUtil > Added - public Classpath getLookupPath( String sysPropName ) > Changed default constructor from private to public * FileFinder > Added - public static URL locateFileOnPath( String filename, Classpath path ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.5.1 (March 3, 2006) * FileUtil > Added - public File convertFromURLSyntax( File file ) - public String convertFromURLSyntax( String filename ) - public boolean isLocalFileURL( String filename ) - public String convertToURLSyntax( String filename ) * FileLocator > BUGFIX: On Unix systems local file with URL syntax "file:/path/name" are not recognized as existing because the leading slash was cut off. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.5 (February 25, 2006) * FileUtil > Added - public String readTextFrom( FileLocator fileLocator ) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom( Reader reader ) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom( InputStream inStream ) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom( FileLocator fileLocator ) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom( File file ) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom( String filename ) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom( Reader reader, StringFilter filter ) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom( File file, StringFilter filter ) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom( FileLOcator locator, StringFilter filter ) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom( String filename, StringFilter filter ) - public String[] readTextLinesFrom( InputStream stream, StringFilter filter ) * ExtendedFileFilter > Added - implements IObjectFilter - public boolean matches( Object object ) That means an ExtendedFileFilter now can be used as filter with all CollectionUtil copy() methods for arrays and collections that expect a filter as argument. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.4 (December 21, 2005) * FileWalker > Added methods - public long walkThrough( String dir, FilenameFilter filter, boolean recursive ) - public long walkThroughDirectories( String startDir, FilenameFilter filter, boolean recursive ) * ExtendedFileFilter > Added methods and constructors - public void addPatterns( String patternList ) - public ExtendedFileFilter( char wildcardForDigits ) - public ExtendedFileFilter( char wildcardForDigits, boolean restrictive ) - public ExtendedFileFilter( String patternList ) - protected void postAcceptCheck( File dir, String filename, File file, boolean accepted ) * FileUtil > Added methods - public String[] standardize( String[] filenames ) - public String[] javaFilenames( String[] filenames ) - public void copyFile( URL source, File destFile ) - public void copyFile( FileLocator sourceFile, File destFile, boolean preserveTimestamp ) - public boolean isInsideJavaArchive( String filename ) > Changed standardizeFilename() to better recognize Windows drive letters * FileLocator - public static FileLocator create( String filename ) to support "jar:file:/" URLs > Added methods - public static FileLocator create( URL url ) * FileInfo > Added methods - public FileLocator asFileLocator() * PropertyFileLoader > Added - public static Properties loadProperties( FileLocator locator, Properties defaults ) - public static Properties loadProperties( FileLocator locator ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.3.1 (March 18, 2005) * FileLocator > BUGFIX: getOriginalFileName() returned null if the specified file was inside an archive (e.g. "testdata/cc.jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF") > Method getOriginalFileName() now always returns the filename with forward slashes (backslashes are translated to forward slashes) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.3 (December 29, 2004) * FileWalker > Supports now ".../**/*.xxx" patterns for recursive walk-through - New method public long walkThrough( String filePattern ) * Classpath now supports definitions of elements with wildcards. Example: lib/test.jar:lib/ext/*.jar:xerces.jar * Classpath > New methods - public void removeDuplicates() * ClasspathElement > getName() now returns the name of the element in a platform independent way. Path elements are always separated by slashes, never by backslashes * FileUtil > Added new method - public Classpath calculateClasspath() > Changed method getClasspath() to return the same as calculateClasspath() * FileFinder > Added new method - public static URL locateFile( String filename ) * PropertyFileLoader > Added new methods - public static Properties loadProperties( URL url, Properties defaults ) > Changed public static Properties loadProperties( String filename, Properties defaults ) to work URL based rather than File based ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.2 (October 2, 2004) * PF-File now depends on PF-Security * FileUtil > Added methods - public File copyToTempFile( InputStream inStream ) - public File copyToTempFile( InputStream inStream, String filePrefix ) - public File copyToTempFile( InputStream inStream, String filePrefix, String fileSuffix ) - public File copyToTempFile( InputStream inStream, String filePrefix, String fileSuffix, boolean deleteOnExit ) - public File copyToTempFile( String filename, String filePrefix, String fileSuffix, boolean deleteOnExit ) - public boolean isLocal( String filename ) - public boolean isRemote( String filename ) > Changed method standardize( String filename ) to not modify any filename that starts with a protocol (e.g. ftp:// or http://) * FileLocator now supports filenames containing URLs with protocols http://, https://, jar:http:// and jar:https:// Automatic authentication is possible via > Added methods - public boolean isRemote() > Changed declared exception from Exception to IOException in the following methods - container() - fileRef() - archive() - entryFromArchive() * PropertyFileLoader > New methods - public static PropertiesFileContent loadFullPropertiesFile( String filename ) - public static PropertiesFileContent loadFullPropertiesFile( InputStream stream ) * Added new classes > PropertiesFileWriter > PropertiesFileContent ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.1 (May 8, 2004) * FileFinder > Added methods - public static URL locateFileOnPath( String filename, String path ) - public static URL locateFileOnClasspath( String filename ) * ClasspathElement > Added method - public URL getURL() > Changed - public URL createURL( String filename ) to return a proper URL for files inside archives (e.g. "jar:file:/!/path/file.ext") ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.0 (March 6, 2004) * FileUtil: added methods - public void copyFile( File sourceFile, File destFile, boolean preserveTimestamp ) - public void copyFile( File sourceFile, File destFile ) - public void copyFile( String sourceFilename, String destFilename, boolean preserveTimestamp ) - public void copyFile( String sourceFilename, String destFilename ) - public boolean close( Reader reader ) - public boolean close( Writer writer ) * BUGFIX in FileUtil.processTextLines( Reader reader, LineProcessor processor ) Now it closes the given reader at the end of the reading process or at any case of error. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.9 (December 20, 2003 ) * FileUtil: added method public boolean close( ZipFile zipFile ) * ArchiveTOC.init() now throws IOException instead of printing a stack trace, if there is a problem with reading the archive * Added new class LoggerProvider This class holds the single logger for the PF-File component. All logging of the component is now done through this logger. Nothing is written to stdout or stderr anymore! * Classes FileWalker and ExtendedFileFilter have been changed to match '*' to empty strings e.g. "test.dat" must match "test*.dat" or "hosts" must match "hosts*" * New classes - FileDirectoryScanner - FileDirectoryScannerHandler - DirectoryContents - TableOfContents * Added new method to FileUtil: - public String getClasspath() * New method in Classpath - public ClasspathElement firstElementContaining( String filename ) * Added Javadoc comment to method public InputStream open( String filename ) in Classpath * New method in ClasspathElement - createURL( String filename ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.8 ( July 26, 2003 ) * New interface LineProcessor * New methods in FileUtil - processTextLines( String, LineProcessor ) - processTextLines( InputStream, LineProcessor ) - processTextLines( Reader, LineProcessor ) * BUGFIX in FileWalker.walkThrough() NullPointerException if directory.listFiles(..) returns null for protected directories (e.g. "System Volume") * New methods in PropertyFileLoader - loadProperties( String, Properties ) - loadProperties( InputStream, Properties ) - loadProperties( InputStream ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.7 ( March 21, 2003 ) * New methods in FileUtil - standardize() - javaFilename() * Modified FileInfo to use FileUtil.javaFilename() * New methods in FileLocator - getStandardizedPath() - getStandardizedAbsolutePath() ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.6 ( February 15, 2003 ) * Reduced test data * ExtendedFileFilter now supports a digit wildcard character for more specific filtering of numeric patterns in filenames. * FileWalker now supports a digit wildcard character for more specific filtering of numeric patterns in filenames. - setDigitWildcardChar() - new constructor * New methods in FileFinder - File[] findFiles( String dir, String pattern, boolean recursive, char digitWildcard ) - File[] findFiles( String dir, String pattern, boolean recursive ) - File[] findFiles( String dir, String pattern ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.5 ( February 7, 2003 ) * New class ClasspathElement * New methods in FileUtil - close(InputStream) - close(OutputStream) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.4 ( October 24, 2002 ) * New methods in FileUtil - readTextFrom( InputStream ) - readTextFrom( String ) - readTextFrom( File ) - copyText( reader, writer ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.3 ( July 25, 2002 ) * Depends now on PF-Utilities (NamedValueList, NamedValue, NamedText) * New class ArchiveTOC * New class FileInfo * Removed class ZipFileWalker ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.2.1 ( July 19, 2002 ) * BUGFIX: FileLocator did not recognize existing path that started from root (e.g. /usr/mylib/tets.jar) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.2 ( June 21, 2002 ) * New method in FileLocator: realFile() ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.1 ( May 24, 2002 ) * FileLocator supports now filenames such as "file:\L:\Java\JDK1.3\lib\rt.jar!\java\util\Hashtable.class" * New methods in FileLocator - toURL() - getAbsolutePath() - isFile() - isDirectory() * FileFinder now returns a filename even if the file is inside an archive, which means that it exists but is not directly accessable. The best way to open an InputStream on such a file is FileLocator. * More UnitTests for PropertyFileLoader, FileFinder and FileLocator ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.0 ( May 18, 2002 ) * New class FileLocator (requires JRE 1.3.1 or later, because JRE 1.3 has a bug in zip.dll concerning the timestamp of zipped files) * New class FileUtil with copyStream() feature -----------------------------------------------------------------------