RELEASE NOTES FOR PACKAGE PF-Logging ==================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.0.0 (04.02.2017) - 55 Unit Tests * Migrated > Maven -> Gradle > SVN -> Git * Package renaming '' -> 'org.pfsw' * Removed dynamic loading of JavaUtilLoggerFactory * Added new mechanism to initialize LoggerFactory based on org.pfsw.logging.LogBindingInitializer and ServiceLoader * Improved dynamic implementation loading by supporting different classloaders * New classes > DeferredInitializationLoggerAdapter > DeferredInitializationLoggerFactory > InMemoryLogger > InMemoryLoggerFactory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.3.0 (05.01.2017) - 51 Unit Tests New Logger2 and Logger2Logger allow usage of placeholders as supported by String.format(). * New classes and interfaces > org.pfsw.logging.LogLevel > org.pfsw.logging.Logger2 > org.pfsw.logging.Logger2Logger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.2.0 (13.12.2015) * LoggerFactory > Added - public String getName() - public Logger getLogger(Class clazz) * PrintStreamLoggerFactory > Added - inst-var name - public String getName() - public Logger getLogger(Class clazz) > Changed constructor to receive a name * LoggerFactoryProvider > Added - public static LoggerFactory getLoggerFactory(String name) - public static void reset() - public static String getDefaultFactoryName() - public static void setDefaultFactoryName(String name) * New classes and interfaces > LoggerBindingNames > JavaUtilLoggerFactory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.1.0 (13.09.2015) * Clean code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.0.0 (22.06.2014) * Logger - Added ~ getName() - Changed log methods to have var-arg parameters that can be used to replace placeholders in messages. * Added mechanism to plugin a LoggerFactory via ServiceLoder that allows integration into other logging frameworks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.2 (August 23, 2006) * Logger > Added - public boolean setLogLevel( String logLevel ) * NilLogger > Added - public boolean setLogLevel( String logLevel ) * PrintStreamLogger > Added - public boolean setLogLevel( String logLevel ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.1.1 (March 6, 2004) * PrintStreamLogger - Changed visibility of LEVEL_INDICATOR from protected to private ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.1 (December 20, 2003) * PrintStreamLogger - Added property "logging.level" - Changed log level constants to be public - Documented supported properties - Check properties == null in initialize() - Changed visibility of setLogLevel() from protected to public * Created test classes - AllTests - PrintStreamLoggerTest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.0 (29.04.2002) * Provide a generic interface Logger * Provide logger that swallows all output (NilLogger) * Provide logger that writes everything to a print stream, where the default is System.out (PrintStreamLogger)