Plugin Utilities Realease-Notes Author: Manfred Duchrow Copyright (c) 2003-2007, by Manfred Duchrow. All rights reserved. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.5 ( March 2, 2007 ) * New classes and interfaces > IInitializablePlugin > PluginHolder > PluginRegistry * ClassRegistry > Changed - public boolean remove( Object key ) Bug: Did not work! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.4.2 ( June 3, 2006 ) * PluginUtil > Changed visibility of constructor PluginUtil() from private to protected ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.4.1 ( April 8, 2006 ) * PluginUtilTest > Changed test_getPluginClasspath_3() to concatenate classpath entries correctly ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.4 ( March 25, 2006 ) * PluginUtil > Internal refactoring - delegates now more to FileUtil ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.3 ( December 27, 2004 ) * PluginCollector > Added support for plug-in properties files from within Eclipse (3.0) > New methods - public ClassRegistry loadPlugins( String filename, Classpath classpath ) - public Classpath getPluginClasspath() > With system property "" it is possible to define an explicit classpath to be looked up when searching for plug-ins. Such a classpath may contain patterns for Java archives (e.g. *.jar). Example:;c:/plugins/lib/*.jar ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.2 ( December 22, 2003 ) * PluginCollector - Added a system property to switch on the debug mode of this class: This will trace the lookup and registration of plugin definitions to stdout. - Changed to extract the classpath from the manifest file if the program was started via -jar option - Lookup the directories defined by system property "java.ext.dirs" as well for potential plug-ins. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.1 ( February 28, 2003 ) * New methods in ClassRegistry - String[] keys() - CalssInfo[] values() - Class[] classes() - String[] classNames() - ClassInfo getClassInfo( key ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.0 ( February 7, 2003 ) * ClassRegistry * PluginCollector -----------------------------------------------------------------------