Simple Interface for XML: Realease-Notes Author: Manfred Duchrow Copyright (c) 2002-2016, by Manfred Duchrow. All rights reserved. ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.2.0 (11/06/2016) * ElementNameFilter > Changed from StringFilter to IStringFilter * Dependency upgrade > PF-PAX 3.2.0 > PF-Text 7.2.0 > PF-Utilities 5.2.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.1.0 (13/09/2015) * Dependency upgrade > PF-PAX 3.1.0 > PF-Text 7.1.0 > PF-Utilities 5.1.0 * Clean code ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.0.0 (18/12/2014) * Upgraded to Java 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.0.0 (January 19, 2014) * New interfaces & classes > XmlItem > XmlProcessingInstruction > XmlDocument > IElementFilter > AElementFilter > ElementAttributesFilter > ElementNameFilter > ElementAndFilter > ElementOrFilter * Element > Added - public XmlItem[] getChildItems() - public boolean hasChildItems() - public boolean hasProcessingInstructions() - public void addChildItem(XmlItem item) - public int getChildItemCount() - public Element findFirst(IElementFilter filter) - public Element[] find(IElementFilter filter) * StringTagInterpreter > Added - public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) * StringTagInterpreterController > Added - public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) * XmlStreamReader > Added - public static XmlDocument readXmlFrom(InputSource source, boolean validating) - public static XmlDocument readXmlFrom(InputStream xmlStream, Charset charset, String uri, boolean validating) - public static XmlDocument readXmlFrom(File file, Charset charset, boolean validating) - public static XmlDocument readXmlFrom(String filename, Charset charset, boolean validating) - public static XmlDocument loadXmlFrom(InputSource source, boolean validating) * ModelConverter > Added - public Document toDOM(XmlDocument xmlDocument) - public XmlDocument toSIXDocument(Document doc) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.7 ( April 30, 2012 ) * ModelConverter > Added - public Element toSIXElement(org.w3c.dom.Element domElement) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.6 ( January 30, 2011 ) * EmptyEntityResolver - Changed class visibility from package to public ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.5 ( February 7, 2010 ) * ModelConverter > Added - public String toFormattedString( Element element ) - public String toFormattedString( Element element, int indent ) - public String toFormattedString( Element element, int indent, boolean useSingleQuotes ) * Element > Added - public String getLocalName() - public String getNamePrefix() - public String[] getAttributeLocalNames() - public Element getFirstChild() > Changed getAttributes() to return a copy of the attributes map ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.4.1 ( September 03, 2009 ) * Bugfix: CDATA[] sections will now be handled correctly. That is, all included whitespace characters are preserved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.4 ( January 19, 2008 ) * Element > Added - ELEMENT_ARRAY - public static Element[] toArray( Collection elementCollection ) - public static List toList( Element[] elements ) * XmlWriteController > Added - public int getIndentIncrement() - public void setIndentIncrement( int increment ) * XmlStreamWriter > Added - public int getIndentation() ; - public void setIndentation( int indent ) ; - public void appendDocumentType( Writer writer, String rootTagName, String schemaName, String dtdURL ) - public void appendWellFormedXML( Element element, Writer writer, String encoding, String schemaName, String dtdURL ) - public static void writeWellFormedXML( Element element, Writer writer, String encoding, String schemaName, String dtdURL ) - public static void writeDocumentType( Writer writer, String rootTagName, String schemaName, String dtdURL ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.3.1 ( April 8, 2006 ) * Changed unit tests to be independent of XPath in order to avoid incompatibility problems with JDK 1.4 and 1.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.3 ( December 22, 2005 ) * Element > Added methods - public void removeAllChildren() - public boolean removeChild( Element childElement ) - public boolean replaceChild( Element oldChild, Element newChild ) - public boolean insertChildAfter( Element oldChild, Element newChild ) - public boolean insertChildBefore( Element oldChild, Element newChild ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.2 ( May 27, 2005 ) * XmlStreamWriter > Added methods - public void appendStylesheetPI( Writer writer, String attributes ) - public void appendStylesheetPI( Writer writer, Map attributes ) - public void appendStylesheetPI( Writer writer, NamedTextList attributes ) - public void appendXslStylesheetPI( Writer writer, String xslFilename ) * LoggerProvider > Added methods - public static void supressLogging() - public static boolean isLoggingSupressed() ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.1 ( October 22, 2004 ) * XmlStreamReader now supports two new methods for more flexibility: - public static Element loadFrom( InputSource source, boolean validating ) - public static Document loadDOM( InputSource source, boolean validating ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.0.2 ( October 11, 2004 ) * XmlStreamWriter BUGFIX: Changed appendDocumentStart( Writer writer, String encoding, boolean isStandalone ) to write first encoding="" and then standalone="" and not vice versa ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.0.1 ( August 13, 2004 ) * XmlStreamWriter BUGFIX: Changed writeDocumentType() back to be a static method again ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.0 ( July 30, 2004 ) * XmlStreamWriter can now be used as an instance in addition to its static methods. All static methods are still valid. The instance methods have the same name except the prefix is "append" rather than "write". * XmlStreamWriter can now preserve the namespace prefix in the output. Use the following method to configure that feature > public void withNamespacePrefix( boolean newValue ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.9.1 ( May 6, 2004 ) * BUGFIX: Reading an XML file with XmlStreamReader caused an under the following conditions: - Validating (DTD) was switched off - The system ID of the XML file contained a remote DTD reference (e.g. "") The bug was fixed in FileEntityResolver.resolveEntity() ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.9 ( March 26, 2004 ) * Changed ModelConverter.toDOM() to retain namespace URIs in resulting DOM. * Added method to Element - public Map getNamespaceDeclarations() * BUGFIX: Element method public String[] getAttributeNames() now returns an empty array rather than null, if the element has no attribute. (Avoid NullPointerException) * XmlStreamWriter - Now writes standalone="yes" to the XML declaration line if no DTD is specified - Added new method ~ public static void writeDocumentStart( Writer writer, String encoding, boolean isStandalone ) * FileEntityResolver is now a public class ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.8 ( December 22, 2003 ) * New constructor for Element - Element( String tagName, String text ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.7 ( March 19, 2003 ) * New method for ModelConverter - toSIXElement() * Added Javadoc comments where missing * Changed visibility from public to default for - StringTagInterpreter - StringTagInterpreterController - StringTagInterpreterFactory * New methods in XmlStreamReader - readFrom( filename, validating ) - readDOM( filename, validating ) * New internal class FileEntityResolver to avoid problems with Crimson's (1.1.3) entity resolver. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.6.1 ( September 22, 2002 ) * New methods for XmlStreamReader (support DOM reading) - readDOM() (3x) - loadDOM() ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.6 ( July 24, 2002 ) * New methods for Element - shallowCopy() - deepCopy() - copy() * BUGFIX: hasAttributes() always returned true, even if there where no attributes at all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.5 ( July 6, 2002 ) * New constructor for Element that gets the tag name as parameter * Bugfix: LoggerProvider.setLogger(null) didn't work correct * StringTagInterpreterController now reports errors with systemId but without stacktrace * New find() methods in Element that include the called element in the search ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.4 ( June 30, 2002 ) * New class ModelConverter to convert an Element tree to DOM tree * New class XmlStreamWriter that provides several methods to print an Element tree or a DOM tree to a stream. * New class LoggerProvider that is the single access point to the package's logger * Changed all classes to user the logger from LoggerProvider rather than writing directly to System.out or System.err ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.3 ( June 21, 2002 ) * Provides new loadFrom() and readFrom() methods in XmlStreamReader, that allow validation to be switched on/off * New internal class EmptyEntityResolver that provides an empty DTD if requested * Provides an interface to set a logger that catches all exceptions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.2 ( May 25, 2002 ) * Made getAttributes() public * Added methods - removeAttribute() - removeText() * Completed Javadoc comments on public methods ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.1 ( May 17, 2002 ) * Added some find methods to Element ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.0 ( April 29, 2002 ) * Reader for XML stream with most simple interface build on top of PAX * Class Element that instances can holds all information from an XML stream -----------------------------------------------------------------------