RELEASE NOTES FOR PACKAGE PF-Text ==================================== Author : Manfred Duchrow ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 7.1.0 (10/05/2015), 1040 unit tests * StringUtil > Added - public String withLeadingChar(String string, char ch) - public String withTrailingChar(String string, char ch) - public String withoutLeadingChar(String string, char ch) - public String withoutTrailingChar(String string, char ch) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 7.0.0 (18/12/2014), 1040 unit tests * Upgraded to Java 6 * New classes > org.pfsw.text.CollatorComparator > org.pfsw.text.ByteSizeUnit > org.pfsw.text.ByteSizeValue > org.pfsw.text.StringGenerator > org.pfsw.text.RandomStringGenerator > org.pfsw.text.RegexPattern > org.pfsw.text.StringFilterCollection * ObjectIdGenerator > Added - implements StringGenerator - public boolean hasPrefix() * StringUtil > Added - public boolean isPositiveInteger(String value) - public boolean isZeroOrPositiveInteger(String value) - public boolean isZeroOrPositiveLong(String value) - public boolean contains(String str, char ch) - public int asInteger(String value, int defaultValue) - public Map asMap(String[][] stringPairArray) - public String trimOnce(String str, String... unwanted) - public void copyMapToProperties(Map map, Properties properties) - public IReadOnlyNamedValues asReadOnlyNamedValues(final Properties properties) - public IReadOnlyNamedValues asReadOnlyNamedValues(final Map map) - public IConfigSettings asConfigSettings(final Map map) - public IConfigSettings asConfigSettings(final Properties properties) - public IConfigSettings asConfigSettings(String str) - public IConfigSettings asConfigSettings(String str, String elementSeparator, String keyValueSeparator) > Replaced public String trim(String str) by public String trim(String str, String... unwanted) > Bug: splitStringPair() returns wrong result if given string starts with separator Fixed * Version > Fixed - to support OSGI versions like "4.3.2.v20140221-1700" correctly - to support Java versions like "1.6.0_45" correctly > Added - public int getMajorVersion() - public int getMinorVersion() - public int getMicroVersion() * StringFilter > Added - ALL - NONE * StringCollectionFilter > Added - public static StringCollectionFilter create(String... strings) > Changed public void add(String string) to public void add(String... strings) * TimeValue > Added - implements Comparable - public String toString() - public boolean equals(Object obj) - public int hashCode() - public int compareTo(TimeValue other) > Charsets > Added constants - ISO_8859_2 - ISO_8859_3 - ISO_8859_4 - ISO_8859_5 - ISO_8859_7 - ISO_8859_8 - ISO_8859_9 - ISO_8859_13 - ISO_8859_15 * New JSON support > New package - org.pfsw.text.json > New classes - SimpleJsonParser - JsonParserException - JsonType - JsonObject - JsonArray - JsonUtil * CommandLineArguments > Added - public boolean containsAny(String... argNames) - public String getFirstFoundValue(String... options) - public boolean isEmpty() * Deprecated classes > JSONUtil : Use org.pfsw.text.json.JsonUtil instead ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 6.6.0 (12/01/2014), 856 unit tests * New interfaces > Charsets * CheckedCharsetName > Added ~ public Charset getCharset() * CommandLineArguments > Added - public static CommandLineArguments create(String... options) - public boolean getSupportQuotedArguments() - public void setSupportQuotedArguments(boolean supportThem) > Changed signature of public String[] getArgumentValues(String option, String[] defaultValues) to public String[] getArgumentValues(String option, String... defaultValues) * StringUtil > Changed signature of public String[] copy(String[] strings) to public String[] copy(String... strings) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 6.5.0 (23/11/2013) * StringUtil > Added - public byte[] hexToBytes(String hex) - public String bytesToHex(String separator, byte... bytes) - public String bytesToHex(byte... bytes) - public String[] split(final String string, final String separator) * CheckedCharsetName > Added - getName() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 6.4.0 (18/09/2013) * Added new classes > TimeUnit > TimeValue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 6.3.0 (03/09/2012) * New classes > CheckedCharsetName > NegativeStringFilter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 6.2.0 (21/01/2012) * Added implementation of IJSONConvertible to > StringPair > StringPattern > StringPatternCollection * New classes > JSONUtil * StringPatternCollection > Changed signature of constructor public StringPatternCollection(String[] strPatterns) to public StringPatternCollection(String... strPatterns) > Changed signature of method public void addPatterns(String[] patternCollection) to public void addPatterns(String... patternCollection) > Removed constructor public StringPatternCollection(String strPattern) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 6.1.3 (15/01/2012) 15/01/2012 * Changed classes due to better generics support > abstract public class AStringFilter implements StringFilter, IObjectFilter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 6.1.2 (21/10/2011) * Version > Bugfixing to properly support string element at the end of a version * CommandLineArguments > Added - public CommandLineArguments(boolean switchAndValuesMustBeSeparated) - public CommandLineArguments(String[] args, boolean switchAndValuesMustBeSeparated) - protected CommandLineArguments(String[] args, String switchIndicator, boolean switchAndValuesMustBeSeparated) - public boolean containsArgument(String argName) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 6.1 (23/06/2011) * StringUtil > Added - public long asLong( String value, long defaultValue ) - public int asInteger( String value, int defaultValue ) - public boolean isLong( String value ) - public boolean isInteger( String value ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 6.0 (03/01/2011) * StringUtil > Added generic type to various collection parameters > Added - public String[] asStrings( Enumeration enumeration ) - public boolean isTrue( String string ) - public boolean isFalse( String string ) - public boolean notNullOrEmpty( String[] strings ) - public boolean notNullOrEmpty( String str ) - public boolean notNullOrBlank( String str ) - public boolean isAnyNullOrBlank(String...strings) - public boolean isNoneNullOrBlank(String...strings) - public String trim(String str) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 5.8 (26/06/2009) * StringUtil > Added - public String translate( String text, String replacementChars, String charsToReplace) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 5.7 (07/06/2008) * StringScanner > Added - public int length() * StringExaminer > Added - public int findPositionOf( String matchString ) - public String upToPosition( int pos ) - public void appendUpToPosition( final StringBuffer strBuffer, final int pos ) - protected void appendUpToPosition( final StringBuffer strBuffer, int pos, final boolean peek ) * StringUtil > Added - DELIMITER_QUOTE - DELIMITER_APOS - DEFAULT_TEXT_DELIMITERS - public String getString( String text ) - public String getString( String text, IStringPair[] delimiters ) - public String getString( String text, IStringPair delimiter ) - public String[] parts( String text, String separators, IStringPair[] quotePairs ) * Version > Added - public Version( Version version ) - public Version( int major ) - public Version( int major, int minor ) - public Version( int major, int minor, int micro ) - public Version( int major, int minor, int micro, String qualifier ) - public String[] getVersionElements() - public static Version getJavaVersion() - public static Version getJavaBaseVersion() - public Version copy() - public boolean isEqualTo( String strVersion ) - public boolean isGreaterOrEqual( String strVersion ) - public boolean isLessOrEqual( String strVersion ) - public boolean isGreaterOrEqual( Version version ) - public boolean isLessOrEqual( Version version ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 5.6 (24/03/2008) * New clases > ObjectIdGenerator * StringUtil > Changed to properly support negative values - public String leftPadCh( long value, int len, char fillChar ) - public String leftPadCh( int value, int len, char fillChar ) > Added - STR_PACKAGE_SEPARATOR - STR_INNER_CLASS_SEPARATOR - public String asString( Map map, String elementSeparator, String keyValueSeparator ) - public String asString( Map map, String elementSeparator ) - public String asString( Map map ) - public void toUpperCase( String[] strings ) - public void toLowerCase( String[] strings ) - public String[] copyUpperCase( String[] strings ) - public String[] copyLowerCase( String[] strings ) - public void leftPadCh( StringBuffer buffer, long value, int len, char fillChar ) - public String getUnqualifiedClassName( String qualifiedClassName ) - public String getPackageName( String qualifiedClassName ) - public String getDelimitedSubstring( String text, IStringPair[] delimiters ) - public String getDelimitedSubstring( String text, IStringPair delimiter ) - public int indexOfString( String[] strArray, String searchStr, boolean ignoreCase ) - public int indexOf( char[] charArray, char ch, boolean ignoreCase ) - public String[] parts( String text, String separators, char[] quoteChars ) - public String[] allParts( String text, String separators, char[] quoteChars ) - public IStringPair splitStringPair( String str, String separator ) * CommandLineArguments > Added - public String getArgumentValue( String option, String defaultValue ) - public String[] getArgumentValues( String option, String[] defaultValues ) * StringPatternCollection > Added - public boolean matchesAll( String probe ) - public static StringPatternCollection create( String patterns, boolean ignoreCase ) - public static StringPatternCollection create( String[] patterns, boolean ignoreCase ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 5.5.1 (16/08/2007) * MatchAttribute > Refactored to automatically convert strings string arrays or string collections to the expected type of the attribute (if possible) Integer values will also be converted automatically to Long if necessary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 5.5 (23/03/2007) * StringPattern > Added methods - public StringPattern copy() * StringPatternCollection > Added methods - public String[] getPatternStrings() - public StringPatternCollection copy() - public Collection select( Collection strings ) - public Collection reject( Collection strings ) * StringUtil > Added methods - public void addAll( Collection collection, String[] strings ) - public void addAllNew( Collection collection, String[] strings ) - public String setFileNameExtension( String filename, String extension, boolean replace ) - public String rightPadCh( long value, int len, char fillChar ) - public String rightPad( long value, int len ) - public String leftPad( long value, int len ) - public String leftPadCh( long value, int len, char fillChar ) - public String replaceEach( String sourceStr, String oldChars, String newChars ) * LdapFilterParser > BUGFIX parser now throws an exception if end of string not reached but parsing finished. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 5.4 (23/08/2006) * CommandLineArguments > Added - public CommandLineArguments() - public String[] getOptionValues( String option ) * StringUtil > Minor performance optimization in method current() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 5.3 (03/06/2006) * Version > Added - public static boolean isValidVersion( String str ) - public boolean isValid() - public boolean isNumeric() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 5.2.1 (24/03/2006) * StringPattern > Bugfix in matches() if pattern and compare string were "" and multiCharWildcardMatchesEmptyString=false then it didn't match. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 5.2 (25/02/2006) * New classes > AStringFilter * Changed to extend AStringFilter rather than implementing StringFilter > StringPattern > StringCollectionFilter > StringPatternCollection * StringCollectionFilter > Changed constructor public StringCollectionFilter( List strings ) to public StringCollectionFilter( Collection strings ) > Added - public void add( String string ) * StringPattern > Bugfix: "" must not match pattern "*x" ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 5.1 (22/12/2005) * New class > ReverseComparator * StringUtil > Added methods - public String asSortedString( final String[] strings, final String separator, final Comparator comparator ) - public String asSortedString( final String[] strings, final String separator, boolean ascending ) - public String asSortedString( final String[] strings, final String separator ) - public String asSortedString( final String[] strings ) - public String[] copy( String[] strings ) - public boolean areEqualIgnoreCase( String[] strings1, String[] strings2 ) - public boolean areEqual( String[] strings1, String[] strings2 ) * StringPattern > Now allows to use other wildcard characters than '*' and '?' - public char getMultiCharWildcard() - public void setMultiCharWildcard( char ) - public char getSingleCharWildcard() - public void setSingleCharWildcard( char ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 5.0 (11/06/2005) * StringUtil > Changed constructor from public to protected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.9 (28/05/2005) * StringUtil > Bugfix - getDelimitedSubstring(): Now works correct for startDelimiter with more than one character > Bugfix - public String asString ( String[] strings, String separator ) Avoid NPEif strings is null > New method - public String[] trimmedParts( String text, String separators ) * New classes > StringCollectionFilter > StringCollectionFilterTest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.8 (06/05/2005) * New interface StringFilter * Changed StringPattern to implement StringFilter * StringPatternCollection > Added - implements StringFilter - public void addPatterns( String[] patterns ) - public void addPatterns( Collection patterns ) - public void addPatterns( StringPatternCollection patternCollection ) - public StringPatternCollection( String pattern ) - public StringPatternCollection( String[] strPatterns ) - public StringPatternCollection( Collection strPatterns ) - public void setIgnoreCase( boolean ignore ) * StringUtil > Added - public String[] copy( String[] strings, StringFilter filter ) - public String[] copyWithout( String[] strings, StringFilter filter ) - public Collection copy( Collection strings, StringFilter filter ) - public Collection copyWithout( Collection strings, StringFilter filter ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.7.1 (14/01/2005) * StringUtil > BUGFIX: Method protected String[] substrings( String text, String separator, boolean all ) returned only last element for substrings( "1.2.3", ".", false ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.7 (27/12/2004) * DefaultMatchRuleParser > Added methods - public static DefaultMatchRuleParser create() - public static DefaultMatchRuleParser create( MatchRuleChars chars ) - public MatchRule parseTypedRule( String rule, Map datatypes ) * Added support for datatype to MatchRule > Use public void setDatatypes( Map datatypes ) to set the types for the attributes used in the rule The following types are currently supported: - Integer.class - Long.class - Double.class - Float.class - BigDecimal.class - SimpleDateFormat (an instance of it) * StringPattern > Added methods - public static char getDefaultMultiCharWildcard() - public static char getDefaultSingleCharWildcard() - public static boolean containsWildcard( String aString ) * MatchRuleChars > Added methods - public char getMultiCharWildcard() - public char getSingleCharWildcard() * StringUtil > Added methods - public String asString ( Collection strings ) - public String asString ( Collection strings, String separator ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.6.1 (14/08/2004) * StringUtil > BUGFIX - isNullOrBlank(String) was throwing a NullPointerException if the given argument was null ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.6 (23/07/2004) * StringUtil > Added methods - public boolean isNullOrEmpty( String[] strings ) - public boolean isNullOrEmpty( String str ) - public boolean isNullOrBlank( String str ) - public String asString( char ch ) - public String[] parts( String text, String separators, char quoteChar ) - public String[] allParts( String text, String separators, char quoteChar ) * StringPatternCollection > Added methods - public void addPatterns( String patternList ) - public void addPatterns( String patternList, String separators ) * StringPattern > Added methods - public static StringPattern create( String pattern ) - public static StringPattern create( String pattern, boolean ignoreCase ) - public static StringPattern create( String pattern, char digitWildcard ) - public static StringPattern create( String pattern, boolean ignoreCase, char digitWildcard ) * CommandLineArguments > Added methods - public int size() - public String[] getArguments() - public String getArgumentAt( int index ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.5 (02/04/2004) * New class Version * New in StringUtil - public String[] asStrings( Collection collection ) - public static final String EMPTY_STRING - public static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY - The public constructor StringUtil() is now deprecated * Bugfix: StringUtil.cutHead() didn't work correclty if the given separator had more than one character. Now: cutHead( "", "pf" ) ==> ".text" * New method in StringPattern - public String[] select( String[] strings ) - public String[] reject( String[] strings ) * New method in StringPatternCollection - public String[] select( String[] strings ) - public String[] reject( String[] strings ) * BUGFIX: MatchRule Changed instance variable 'parser' to transient (because of Serializable) * Extend CommandLineArguments - Support options followed directly by their value Example: -mX200 ==> option "-m" with value "X200" - Support usage of an option with different values more than once Example: -Dtest=7 -Ddebug=on -Dvalue:"more info" -D last ==> option "-D" has values "test=7", "debug=on", "value:more info", "last" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.4 (22/12/2003) * Added new method to MatchRule - public void optimize() Allows to optimize OR concatenations on the same attribute to the abbreviated form. Example: value{5,9,17} instead of (value=5|value=9|value=17) * New class StringPatternCollection * New methods in StringPattern - equals() - hashCode() - inspectString() * Extended StringPattern to handle '*' wildcard in the way as LDAP, SQL and OS do it: * matches empty strings. Examples: "AB" matches "A*B" "Fred" matches "Fred*" "Joe" matches "*Joe" "test.dat" matches "test*.d*t" * LdapFilterParser now creates by default match rules that treat names case-insensitive and match empty strings to wildcard '*'. * Added new method setIgnoreCaseInNames(boolean) to MatchRule to support case-insensitive names * Added new methods to DefaultMatchRuleParser to support case-insensitive names and values: - setIgnoreCaseInNames(boolean) - setIgnoreCaseInValues(boolean) * BUGFIX in MatchRule: - use pattern matching for '=' operator only. i.e. all other oparators treat '*' and '?' as normal characters * BUGFIX in SqlMatchRuleVisitor: Removed trailing space char in generated string * Enhanced SqlMatchRuleVisitor to optimize expressions such as (value=5 OR value=9 OR value=17) to: value IN ( 5 , 9 , 17 ) * BUGFIX in DefaultMatchRuleParser: No exception was thrown for missing closing parenthesis. Example: (name=John & age=9 * MatchRule syntax supports quoting of of values to allow special characters: Example: ( value > 'Mike' ) & ( dep = 'R&D(2)' ) * New method in StringUtil public int count( String sourceStr, String subStr ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.3 (21/03/2003) * New methods in StringUtil - String[] remove( String[], String[] ) - String[] remove( String[], String ) - String[] removeNull( String[] ) - leftPad( int anInteger, int len ) - leftPadCh( int anInteger, int len, char ch ) - rightPad( int anInteger, int len ) - rightPadCh( int anInteger, int len, char ch ) * Optimized performance of methods StringUtil.append() by using System.arraycopy() * New methods in CommandLineArguments - CommandLineArguments( String[] args, String switchIndicator ) - copy() - addOption() - addOptionWithArgument() - removeOption() - removeOPtionWithArgument() * MatchAttribute supports now Integer values in the attributes map for proper integer comparisons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.2.1 (13/02/2003) * New methods in StringPattern to support digit wildcard character - setDigitWildcardChar() - 2 new constructors with a digit wildcard char Allows to define match patterns like "AB-###-*" where '#' stands for a single digit character (0-9) which means "AB-263-ff" would match the pattern but "AB-9R1-C" won't. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.2 (04/01/2003) * New method in StringPattern - hasWildcard() * MatchAttribute now supports operators - equals - greater - less - greater or equal - less or equal * Extended LdapFilterParser to recognize <= and >= operators * Extended MatchRuleChars with - getEqualsChar(), setEqualsChar() - getGreaterChar(), setGreaterChar() - getLessChar(), setLessChar() * Changed MatchRuleVisitor.attribute() signature to pass the attributes compare operator to it * Changed SqlMatchRuleVisitor to support the new operators * Changed LdapMatchRuleVisitor to support the new operators * Changed MatchRulePrinter to support the new operators ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.1.2 (22/11/2002) * Support special characters in attribute names with MatchRuleChars.setSpecialNameCharacters() and a modified DefaultMatchRuleParser ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.1.1 (24/10/2002) * BUGFIX: In MatchGroup.doMatch() Rules with different operators inside a group were evaluated wrong because of 'short circuit' implementation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.1 (30/09/2002) * New methods in StringUtil - allParts() - allSubstrings() * New methods in StringScanner - endReached() - endNotReached() - atEnd() - hasNext() - setPosition() * New class StringExaminer * Refactored StringPattern (now using StringExaminer instead of StringScanner) * Changed all setXXXChar() methods in DefaultMatchRuleParser to visibility 'public' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 4.0 (19.09.2002) * New class DefaultMatchRuleParser which parses the normal MatchRule syntax e.g. (attr1{val1,val2} &! attr2{val3} | attr3{val4} ) * New class MatchRulePrinter which converts a MatchRule to a String using the normal MAtchRule syntax * Re-design of MatchRule, MatchGroup and MatchAttribute - Removed parsing (now done by extra class DefaultMatchRuleParser) - Changed toString() * New class LdapFilterParser to parse an LDAP search filter to a MatchRule * Added two instance variables with setters and getters to MatchRuleParseException - position - parseString * Added new instance variable with setters and getters to MatchAttribute - ignoreCaseInName * Changed methods in StringUtil - suffix() -> Now returns the substring after the first (!) occurance of the separator - cutHead() -> Now returns the substring after the last (!) occurance of the separator - cutTail() -> Now returns the substring before the last (!) occurance of the separator * New methods in StringUtil - upTo() - startingFrom() - toMap() - asMap() - toProperties() - asProperties() * BUGFIX: StringUtil.splitNameValue() didn't remove separators with more than one character correctly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.5.1 (19.09.2002) * BUGFIX: didn't handle the following example correct: StringPattern.match( "MA_DR_HRBLUB", "*_HR*" ) Returned false! After fixing the bug it returns true. During the fix the usage of java.text.CharacterIterator was replaced by ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.5 (17.07.2002) * New class CommandLineArguments * BUGFIX: StringUtil.suffix() didn't work correctly for separators with more than one character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.4 (06.07.2002) * Added to StringUtil - indexOf( String[] strArray, StringPattern pattern ) - contains( String[] strArray, StringPattern pattern) - reverse( String str ) * StringPattern.toString() now returns the pattern string * Bugfix in StringPattern.matches() Didn't match "London" on pattern "L*n" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.3 (03.07.2002) * Added to StringUtil - cutHead( String text, String separator ) - prefix( String text, String separator ) - suffix( String text, String separator ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.2 (30.05.2002) * Added StringUtil.getDelimitedSubstring( String text, String startDelimiter, String endDelimiter ) * Added StringUtil.cutTail( String text, String separator ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.1 (17.05.2002) - Added StringUtil.copyFrom() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 3.0 (29.04.2002) - Added StringUtil.splitNameValue() - Renamed package from "" to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.5.1 (16.01.2002) - Made StringPattern serializable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.5 (11.01.2002) - New methods in StringUtil - appendIfNotThere() - indexOf() - indexOfIgnoreCase() - contains() - containsIgnoreCase() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.4 (08.01.2002) - Made MatchRule, MatchGroup, MatchAttributes and MatchRuleChars serializable - BUGFIX: StringPattern.match() didn't handle "*xxx" patterns (multiple equal character after asterisk) correctly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.3 (24.11.2001) - MatchRule upports now String[] and java.util.List of String as values of attributes inside a map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.2 (12.11.2001) - New methods append( String[], String) and append( String[], String[]) in StringUtil - New methods asString( String[], String separator ) and asString( String[]) in StringUtil - MatchRule now supports NOT (!) before a group or attribute even if there's no preceeding AND/OR (&/|) operator. - Changed LdapMatchRuleVisitor and SqlMatchRuleVisitor to support NOT operation correctly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.1 (09.10.2001) - Changed MatchGroup and MatchAttribute and some of their methods to be public, which allows external code to build rules as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2.0 (17.08.2001) - New interface MatchResultVisitor - New class SqlMatchResultVisitor - New class LdapMatchResultVisitor - New methods leftPad(), leftPadCh(), rightPad(), rightPadCh(), center(), centerCh() in class StringUtil